Crises can be the foundation for growth
Dec. 2021Critical life events
At first hand. Crises are a part of life. For example, sooner or later we will all be confronted with the death of someone close to us. After a traumatic experience, many people go through a phase in which they ask themselves, “How can I possibly cope with it all?” Phases in which they might reach for a glass of something or a medication to see them through. Crises often go hand in hand with anxiety, sleep problems, loss of appetite, depression.
Crises can make us into the person we are
But personal crises are also an opportunity; they can help us to develop and grow. Crises can make us into the person we are.
People with a positive attitude to life who are receptive to change and new experiences, or those who are very resilient and can draw on sufficient resources are better able to handle crises. As are people who seek help when they need it and use the crisis as an opportunity to change their lives. Some people appreciate their lives more after a crisis. They identify new strengths in themselves and look for new goals and tasks.
Critical life events can unleash positive things
I would like to emphasise that critical life events are not only negative, however, because they can also unleash many positive things and even a sense of joy. When we become parents or start a new job, this event can of course have negative consequences; the birth of a child can lead to a lack of sleep and depression, a new job can unleash a fear of failing. But we usually also derive a great deal of strength and joy from a birth or from the new challenge at work.
Eva Bruhin
Head of Prevention Strategies Section